Join me on YouTube
All my music is available on our YouTube. Come and listen to the Old Wolf’s playlist!
My album “Music From The Garden” is out and all the music from it can be found on this playlist!
There is also a whole playlist for Sleep & Meditation Music!

Radio Host with Get M.A.D. Radiohttp:/
The Old Wolf is the Program Director and show host on Get M.A.D. Radio, Radio that Makes A
Difference! Tune in at . Wolf spins out some great music, music history, and experience all the magic that the music has to offer! Make A Difference and
Listen Now!

Dancing with Wolves Podcast
Let your voice be heard! Share the magic that is you on the podcast with us! You have something to share? I want to hear from you!
The Podcast is live on Get M.A.D. Radio Tuesdays at 6 pm EST

The Old Wolf
Francis Capell
The Old Wolf is a talented musician, composer, dream walker, and empath. His 40 year music journey has been guided through his philosophy that all things are energy, and as such are connected. Magic, to him, is the shifting of energy from one form to another. His journey through music has lead him across many genres, and has brought him to the point of sharing this journey now through music that touches the sprit and brings magic to the listener.The Old Wolf is a talented musician, composer, dream walker, and empath. His 40 year music journey has been guided through his philosophy that all things are energy, and as such are connected. Magic, to him, is the shifting of energy from one form to another. His journey through music has lead him across many genres, and has brought him to the point of sharing this journey now through music that touches the sprit and brings magic to the listener.
You can listen to his shows on Get M.A.D. Radio, making a difference together!
He would love to hear from you at
Dancing with Wolves Podcast
Join me on my radio show most every Tuesday night at 6 pm EST on Get M.A.D. Radio for discussion, fun, and maybe even learn a thing a thing or two.
We take time to explore the deeper realms of sarcasm, humor, music, dreams, and even some nightmares!

Just Like Me
Pocketful of Wolves
Pocketful of Wolves is a collaboration project as well as a virtual and preforming band of amazing artists and musicians that the Old Wolf knows and has brought together. Pocketful of Wolves first preformed together on September 17th at Arts for Autism in Port Monmouth, NJ to raise money for a summer camp for autistic children, and continues on its ongoing commitment to awesome music and community service!
Below are featured the growing lists of bands and artists that are contributing and have contributed to the project!

Francis Capell
Photo credit Rick Gerrity

Will Capell
Image copyright 2016 ELH Photography

Greg Carr Schumann

Bruce Jay

Randy Reese

Danny Watts

Jim Beck
Photo Credit: Rick Gerrity

Ayla Huff

Tony Rodriguez